显示错误:501是什么意思? 501 Invalid domain name Socket Error # 10060 Socket Error # 10061 无效的域名。发件人栏需填入电子邮件地址。
显示错误:Function GetNetworkParams is not supported by the operating
system。 这是你的IP地址被某些邮件服务器封掉所致:如经常用ADSL群发邮件,
显示错误:发送失败,失败原因:You are among our banning list! You are among our banning list! 翻译过来的中文意思是:"您在我们的禁止列
表中" 造成这种原因的可能有: 1、您的发件人被禁止,更换发件人内的电子邮件再试; 2、您的邮件内容有被该服务器过滤的字眼,去除大家都认为是垃圾邮件的字眼再
试 显示错误:发送失败,原因ocket Error # 10060如何解决? 减少发送线程数在50以内就可正常发送。
显示错误: "发送失败,原因:553 您连接Internet使用的可能是固定IP地址,解决此问题只需在"服务器管理设置"
显示错误: "发送失败,原因:555 对方邮件服务器交换时的错误。
显示错误: "发送失败,原因:552 什么意思? "内容拒绝",您发送的邮件主题或内容中有被对方服务器拒绝的信息,是不是写
显示错误: Socket Error # 10060 Conn 太久未能与服务器通信,请减少线程数,您的上网带宽不够。
显示错误: 对方smtp无反应,错误0004 首先可以肯定的是并非软件问题。 发生邮件发不出去的情况有多种,大体有: 1、网络繁忙所至 2、收件方的邮件服务器拒绝。例如:服务器定义了同时接受同一个地方
传来的邮件最大数,如果超过,就可能拒绝接受。 3、有些收件方的邮件服务器有可能会在接受邮件时判断发件人邮件地址
的有效性,例如:对于发件人邮件地址填写是 aaa 的,就拒绝,对于填写为
邮件地址的书写规则。 总之,影响的因素很多,如果一时发不出去,请尽量多试几回。
显示错误:错误代码553 553 You are not authorized to send mail as <MAIL FROM xxxx@xxx.xxx>;,
authentication is required
软件提示:550服务器忙或邮箱地址错 群发软件提示550英文原意是:550 Requested action not taken:
mailbox unavailable [E.g., mailbox not found, no access] 但有时群发的邮件地址是的确存在的也要出现这样的提示,这是您可以换一台电
软件提示:超时,对方SMTP服务器没有响应。 对于网络比较繁忙或者是使用低速设备上网的用户,请适当扩大默认的超时时间"
为何群发时大多都是对方smtp服务器返回错误代码? 如果一次群发数千封或更多邮件是发往同一个邮件服务器的,则有可能对方服务
常见群发失败的返回码(错误代码)解析。 500 Syntax error, command unrecognized [This may include errors such as command line too long] 501 Syntax error in parameters or arguments 502 Command not implemented 503 Bad sequence of commands 504 Command parameter not implemented 211 System status, or system help reply 214 Help message [Information on how to use the receiver or the meaning of a particular non-standard command; this reply is useful only to the human
user] 220 <domain>; Service ready 221 <domain>; Service closing transmission channel 421 <domain>; Service not available, closing transmission channel [This may be a reply to any command if the service knows it must shut
down] 250 Requested mail action okay, completed 251 User not local; will forward to <forward-path>; 450 Requested mail action not taken: mailbox unavailable [E.g., mailbox busy] 550 Requested action not taken: mailbox unavailable [E.g., mailbox not found, no access] 451 Requested action aborted: error in processing 551 User not local; please try <forward-path>; 452 Requested action not taken: insufficient system storage 552 Requested mail action aborted: exceeded storage allocation 553 Requested action not taken: mailbox name not allowed [E.g., mailbox syntax incorrect] 354 Start mail input; end with <CRLF>;.<CRLF>; 554 Transaction failed
kpflysky 回复于:2003-01-15 10:12:43
wzy9681 回复于:2003-01-15 10:40:08
saveing it
torrent 回复于:2003-01-15 11:07:34
最近我的服务器出现比较多的退信,退信内容如下: This Message was undeliverable due to the following reason:
Your message was not delivered because the Domain Name System (DNS) for the destination computer is not configured correctly. The following is a list of reasons why this error message could have been generated. If you do not understand the explanations listed here, please contact your system administrator for help.
- The host does not have any mail exchanger (MX) or address (A) records in the DNS.
- The host has valid MX records, but none of the mail exchangers listed have valid A records.
- There was a transient error with the DNS that caused one of the above to appear to be true.
You may want to try sending your message again to see if the problem was only temporary.
DNS for host liebert.com is mis-configured The following recipients did not receive this message:
netloafer 回复于:2003-01-15 11:22:44